Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winter Wears #9

Ways to Stay Fit During the Holidays

During the holiday season, it takes a lot of will power not to gain weight. Honestly, I think that you should indulge just a teensy bit! I mean its one week out of 52! But, for all of you who want to be good this holiday season I have some tips for you.

Eat before you go to the party. That way the snacks, appetizers, and desserts look a little less enticing. 

Before you go to the party make a pact with yourself that you can only have one sweet. Or if you are going with a friend have them monitor what you eat also.

Exercise as you normally would. Don't make excuses just because it is the holiday season. If you have family around that you don't normally see suggest to go for a walk or a bike ride.

I hope this helps!


Images from here, here, and here.

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